Old Home :

To help needy aged (any person of either sex above 60 years), irrespective of caste or creed.

Food, shelter and clothing for needy aged.

Medical care and other activities like Yoga and physical exercises to improve the health of the Ashramites.

Nowadays, family system which is slowly draining from our society. This is due to many reasons. We have been inspired by the west and losing our center and trying to adopt their culture.

The need of the OLD Age Houses has been raised tremendously. People leave their Parents and elders to the Old Age Houses with any reasons. Thus we the society, have to take the responsibility and should protect them and should not leave them alone. When they need protection and care they are ignored.

Shaffaf Welfare Trust (S.W.T.) is taking in consideration Old Home seriously and wishes to build an Old Age House for Old & ignored elders/parents who now need extra care, food, medicines and shelter.

This project required sufficient funds to bring in reality. But everything is possible, and if there is a will there is a way. This project is possible with yourZakat/Khairat/Fitra and Sadqaas donations. This will run Insha Allah successfully with the help of your own donations. Please participate to this moral cause and gain lot of thuasand Ajjar for the final destination