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"Your Belief in Us Can Change Lives!"

For National & International Donor's

Procedure of Sending Donations.

For Our All Respected Donor's

Respected Donors:

Whenever you send any Donation, please inform us the same day through email: about the mode or channel you selected for sending funds, date, Amount and the Purpose of Donation (i.e. : Zakat, Khairat, Sadqa, Charity, Gift, Fitra, Fidya, Rooza Kaffara & Ambulance heads etc.) with your complete Postal Address to enable us to send Donation Receipt.

Audit Report:

All Donations are carefully accounted for and official receipts issued promptly. Accounts are diligently maintained and they are subjected to annual audit by firm of chartered accountants. Special care is taken to ensure that Zakat is spent only of the needy and deserving Muslims according to permitted rules.